Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I triple dog dare ya!

K Im not promoting sticking your tongue to a pole, but daring someone or getting dared can be hard to resist, even if they are...well....stupid.

I have a guilty habit of checking on shows like the Biggest Loser and Extreme Makeover to see amazingly overweight people make changes in their lives. Sure the shows are mostly just fluff, but underneath, these people for the most part put themselves out there in front of millions and come out better in the end.

BUT..... the amount of people who are fortunate enough to recieve this intense help is miniscule compared to those who need it. And its not just the morbidly obese. Lots of other things get in the way of living an amzing life. The worst of it, as I have come to realize is Mediocrity.

And thats the real life sucking killer. We lose track of the amazing, the wonderful in and around us. We miss the awesome life while watching tv, overeating, or just doing nothing.

So here is my dare to you.  And I hope you take it. Go be brilliant, pick something, anything and go out and do it. Lose some weight, start a new hobby, go back to school, realize a passion that you have whether it be feeding lepers in mongolia or starting a garden.

And the worst part of this is, its not going to happen immediately.  My instructors at Brooklyn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu always stress the "inch by inch" concept. The process to Black Belt or achieving anything worthwhile is a long process, filled with peaks and valleys. Its the trip and not necessarily the destination ya know?

Dont do it yourself, there is someone out there to help. Inspire, motivate, kick you in the ass if you will. Teacher, Trainer, family, friend, boss,  muppet whatever. They get it, and probably can help you get it too. And we are offering a better way, filled with sweat and effort, and some pain and a whole lotta reward.

Talk to yall soon!!!

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