Monday, May 23, 2011

Hey we are still here! Whats for dinner?

Hi all! Glad to see everyone is still on the planet. Amazing what people put themselves through no? On that note I wanted to touch on one of my favorite topics..eating.  IM not saying nutrition, I find when I do that, alot of peoples eyes glaze over and they look for the nearest cliff.  No Im referring to what we all do multiple times a day, eating.  Simple right? But for many people this simple function which is supposed to fuel us to live to our maximum ability is doing the exact opposite. Our nation as a whole has a serious case of the love handles. I cant fix the entire nation, (yet,bwahahaha) but maybe I can point out a few glaring issues that will get ya thinking.
1. Quality- im going for the hardest part first. Its not easy to eat quality food for a number of reasons, but one of the main reasons is that the crap is cheaper! Our fast food empires have deviously packaged "food" into affordable packaged meals that are quick and easy....and gut expanding. The hardest step that any of us need to do is to step out of that comfort zone and seek out quality food. and it can be everywhere after you start looking.

2. Portion- We seem our happiest when a plate is put in front of us, and the size would feed a family of t-rexs for a week. then we either leave what we cant finish or take it home and let it sit and sit and sit...... Wasting food is a shame, especially when its really good. And its not only in restaurants.  We can control our size of our bodies as we control the amount of food we have on our plate.

3. Reason- Why are you eating? Are you really hungry? Or bored? Or angry? or just in the middle of that Honeymooners marathon? Imagine how much you eat while not thinking about it. scary...........

These admittedly are broad ranging topics and Im sure some are out there going,"hey dumbass! you dont know my situation!" And thats true, But, I do know that unless you take care of what you can, right now, your "situation" is only going to get worse. Id really like to help keep this nation from being overrun with rascals and gastric bypass surgeries. ANd there are alot of people to help including me. But you can do soooooo much.  Open a book, get online and find sites that give healtier recipe ideas. You can research almost anything about food or eating, Just dont have a plate of ring dings by the computer. Oh and get out of the dam  house. Go for a walk.... The simple idea of burning more calories than you take in is surprisingly effective. Hope this helps, maybe even inspires a couple of you. See you at the salad bar..........

Shameless Self Promotion section.- On wednesdays at 730 at the park on 79th and shore road in Brooklyn, Fitmedic, in partnership with Bad Ass Academy ( will be conducting workouts in preparation for the Bay Ridge BadAss on June 25th. These are free!!!!! The guys at Bad Ass are a wonderful sadistic bunch of guys whose goal is to get you fit in the funnest way possible.  The races they conduct are amazing and you should look into and enter whatever they set up. Cmon down and sweat with us and get your fitness on.

SSPs Part 2- The site should be up this week and hope to fill it with interesting info. Clients or perspective ones are welcome to write in and say hi! And set up a workout of course.....

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